Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”
John 6:29
John 6:29 is part of a larger discourse where Jesus is addressing a crowd that had followed him after he miraculously fed five thousand, not including women and children, with five loaves of bread and two fish. The crowd asks Jesus what they must do to perform the works of God. Jesus responds by saying that the work of God is to believe in the One whom He has sent.
The phrase "works of God" refers to the actions or activities that are pleasing to God. Many are seeking to earn their way to heaven by good works. But before they can do good works for God, they must first believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Good works do not precede salvation; they follow it.
Jesus is the One whom God has sent into the world. The most important work of God is for people to have faith in Jesus Christ. Do you agree?
Prayer of the Day
Dear God, I come to You in awe and gratitude for the greatest gift You have ever given to humanity - the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending Him to this world to be our Messiah, our Savior.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, took upon Himself the judgment and punishment for our sins, so that we could be reconciled to You and have eternal life. He lived a perfect life, died a sacrificial death, and rose again in victory over sin and death.
Thank You for the hope, peace, and salvation we have through Jesus. Thank You for His teachings that show us the way to live. Thank You for His love that fills our hearts with joy and comfort.
Please forgive me for the many times I fall short. Help me to follow Jesus more closely each day. May His light shine through me to a world in darkness.
I pray for all people to come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.