7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:7-8
In Galatians 6:7-8, Paul is writing to the church in Galatia, using an agricultural metaphor to explain a spiritual principle.
Paul writes that just as a farmer reaps a harvest based on what he plants, so we will reap the consequences of our actions. If we "sow to the flesh," meaning if we indulge in our sinful desires, we will reap corruption. But if we "sow to the Spirit," meaning if we live according to the Spirit's guidance and seek to please God, we will reap eternal life.
This passage emphasizes the importance of our choices and actions. It provides a warning against the idea that we can live however we want without consequences, and encourages us to live in a way that honors God. Our actions have consequences, both in this life and in the life to come.

Regarding the disgusting introduction to the Olympics, here are some ways you can pray for the people of France to find God:
Pray for spiritual revival in France, that people's hearts would be stirred to seek God and rediscover the transformative power of the Gospel. Ask the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in this nation, drawing individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and inspiring them to live lives that glorify God.
Pray for the growth and strengthening of the Church in France, that believers would be unified, encouraged, and equipped to effectively share their faith and impact their communities for God's Kingdom.
Pray for France's government and leaders, that they would govern with wisdom, integrity, and a heart for justice. Ask God to guide their decisions in a way that promotes peace, stability, and prosperity for all citizens.
Pray for French Christians to be bold and loving witnesses to their communities, sharing the hope of Christ with those around them. Pray for the growth and effectiveness of discipleship programs, equipping believers to mature in their faith and become committed followers of Christ who impact their families, workplaces, and society for God's glory.
Pray for the protection of religious freedom in France, that Christians would be free to worship and share their faith openly without fear or persecution.
Pray that God would use the current events and challenges facing France to draw people to Himself. May many turn to Christ in their time of need.
Pray that the Church in France would be a beacon of light and hope in the darkness, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. May the love of Christ shine through His people to touch the hearts of the French people.
bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Luke 6:28
Daily Beacon Ministry readers, thank you for believing in Christ and for your support in sharing our messages with friends, family and others. Jesus calls us to a higher standard of love and grace, one that goes beyond human nature and reflects the heart of God.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I do not wish hell for any of the Lord’s creation. I pray that they turn from their worldly ways and seek His face. May God have mercy on those who mock Him. I believe most do not truly understand what the consequences are for what they are doing. They have been deceived.
Thank you for offering a constructive solution for the followers of Christ. Being hateful is not going to open their eyes. Truth in love and prayer is essential.