Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up in honor.
James 4:10
In James 4:10, James is calling believers to humble themselves in the sight of God. It is part of a larger passage (James 4:1-12) that discusses the dangers of pride and the importance of humility.
Humbling ourselves involves acknowledging our own limitations and weaknesses, and recognizing God's greatness and sovereignty. It also involves submitting to His will and authority, rather than trying to assert our own will or desires.
The verse also contains a promise: "and he will lift you up." This promise indicates that God will honor and exalt those who humble themselves before Him. This does not necessarily mean that God will grant us worldly success or power, but rather that He will lift us up spiritually, giving us a place of honor and blessing in His kingdom.
Prayer of the Day
Lord, I come before You in humility, recognizing my smallness and Your greatness. Help me to see myself as You see me - a beloved child in need of Your grace and mercy.
Teach me to walk humbly before You, not thinking more highly of myself than I ought. Let me not be self-focused or prideful, but have a servant's heart that seeks to glorify You in all things.
Give me a spirit of humility that looks to the needs of others before my own. Help me to seek Your will above my own desires. May I be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.
Keep me from the sin of pride, which leads to destruction. Instead, fill me with Your Spirit, that I may have the mind of Christ, who humbled Himself and became obedient to death on the cross.
In Your mercy, Lord, grant me a humble and contrite heart. For it is in humility that I am able to see You clearly and find true joy and peace. Amen.
It's completely true that God expects humility and when you incorporate Obedience you reach a level of understanding that you won't want to forget. Putting God first gives you access to endless possibilities!