Leaders should stand for life not run from it
As an inalienable right, the role and purpose of government is to protect human life.
The right to life is the right of all rights, without which there is no other right. Life is the preeminent right and the foundation of all rights. The right to free speech or free exercise of religion is meaningless to a lifeless corpse.
As the Declaration of Independence affirms, the right to life comes from God, not government. As an inalienable right, the role and purpose of government is to protect human life. The duty of government is to secure the right to life and liberty.
The right to life is not up to popular vote. Neither judges, nor lawmakers, nor the people have the right to dehumanize an entire class of people and thereby treat them as unworthy of life.
Human life begins at fertilization. Elective abortion is therefore intentional termination of a human life. Setting aside Orwellian euphemisms such as ‘reproductive freedom,’ plain and simple – abortion is murder. Abortion is not a states’ rights issue. The right to life is not determined by geographical borders. It is not acceptable to conclude that murder is wrong in one state and permitted in another. The right to life transcends political ideologies, geographical boundaries, and time. The right to life is universal and transcendent.
No decent person would argue that slavery is up to the states and subject to popular vote. Any politician who says abortion is a state’s right should be asked if slavery is a state’s right. And, if slavery should not be determined by popular vote, then how can the fate of innocent children be subject to popular vote? It cannot. The union of states could not survive with a checkerboard of free and slave states. The same is true of abortion. Abortion is not a ‘right’ to be trumpeted with soundbites or determined in the ballot box. Abortion is a shameful crime against humanity. Indeed, it is a crime against our Creator.
Recently, some elected and formerly elected leaders have demonstrated poor thinking as they try to determine the political winds. They are like the parable of Jesus where the seed was sown on rocky ground. When the winds and the heat come, the seed sprouts but soon withers because it did not have deep roots.
The people need leaders who stand for and defend human life, especially on behalf of the most vulnerable among us. Those who run from life end up pleasing no one. History will show the error of their way, not unlike the history of slavery.
Leaders should stand for life, not run from it.