The Word of God serves as a mirror, reflecting the true condition of our hearts and souls. It is through engaging with Scripture that we can undergo spiritual growth, gaining a deeper understanding of who we are in relation to God.
The Bible isn't just a collection of texts to be read for information but is a transformative tool that actively works in those who believe.
When we allow God's Word to penetrate our hearts, it can perform the necessary surgery to remove what is spiritually unhealthy and nurture what brings us closer to God's character.
For believers, the Bible is a source of divine revelation and guidance. Reading it is profoundly enriching.
At an auction in New York City, on October 22, 1987, a Japanese bookseller paid $5.39 million for a Guttenberg Bible.
Prayer of the Day
Heavenly Father, I seek Your wisdom and understanding as I delve into Your Word. Guide my heart and mind as I study the Scriptures.
Let Your Holy Spirit illuminate the truths within, so that I may grasp the teachings and apply them in my life.
Help me to not only be a hearer of Your Word but also a doer, living out Your commandments and spreading Your love.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.