I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
When the Apostle Paul said that he could do all things, he meant all things which were God’s will for him to do. He had learned that the Lord’s command is the Lord’s enablement. He knew that God would never call on him to accomplish some task without giving the necessary grace.
Have you overcome an addiction? I was addicted to eating during times of stress and boredom during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. I had easy access to food while being stuck in my home office instead of having planned out meals in my work office. A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association in 2021 found that 42% of respondents reported gaining weight during the pandemic, with an average gain of 29 pounds. As of early this year, I had gained roughly 40 pounds, even though I went back to my work office in late 2022. The addiction to food had taken over and followed me.
Then, Jesus spoke. When I had become the most distressed about my weight gain, and learned that I had to go on blood pressure medicine, Jesus explained to me why I was struggling. The reason for my downfall: Satan’s desire that my life ends sooner rather than later, leading to a shortened time to see my 4 year old daughter grow and achieve so much in life. This explanation hit me like a ton of bricks, tears flowed. I immediately snapped out of the evil possession, and the debilitating obsession with food. I have now lost roughly 20 pounds and have the momentum, and more importantly, God’s enablement, to lose the remaining 20 pounds of pandemic-related weight gain.
No matter your obstacle or addiction, surrender everything to Jesus. Seek guidance through prayer, and never forget that your great strength and abilities come from God. You can rely on Him to help accomplish anything He calls you to do.
If you have a story to share about your own struggles, please leave a comment, or email me at faith@dailybeacon.org.
Prayer of the Day
Heavenly Father, I come to you today to pray for freedom from addiction. Lord, I know that you are the only one who can truly set me free from this bondage. Please give me the strength to break free from this addiction and the courage to face the challenges that lie ahead. Fill me with your love and grace, and help me to find comfort and peace in your presence.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Yes, and sometimes he uses 12 step Programs, which can have an immediate effect, but more often take the long road of “santification”. And then there is the Appstle Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” which Gid did not remove but rather said, “my grace is sufficient “, as it was useful to keep Paul humble.